Alfresco 5.0 and Liferay 6.2 CMIS integration

It is as easy as it sounds:
  1. Use same user and password in both servers, this can be done by having SSO or same LDAP on both applications. Also just use same user and password for both even with their internal DB.
  2. Add the two properties below to your Liferay configuration file and restart Liferay:

    $ vi /opt/liferay-6.2-6/apache-tomcat/webapps/liferay/WEB-INF/classes/

  3. 3rd: watch this 5 minutes screencast:

Thanks to my friends of Gobal Quark for the tips.

Alfresco Tuning Shortlist

During last few years, I have seen dozens of Alfresco installations in production without any kind of tuning. That makes me thing that 1) nobody cares about performance or 2) nobody cares  about documentation or 3) both of them!
I know people prefer to read a blog post instead the product official documentation. Since Alfresco have improved A LOT our official documentation and most of the information provided below can be found there, I want to point out some tips that EVERYONE has to take into account before going live with your Alfresco environment. Remember, it’s easy Tuning = Live, No Tuning = Dead.
Tuning the Alfresco side:
  • Increase number of concurrent connections to the DB in

# Number below has to be the maxThreads value + 75

  • Increase number of threads that Tomcat will use in server.xml – section 8080, 8443 and 8009 in case you use AJP


  • Adjust the amount of memory you want to assign to Alfresco in or (which is the default one):

export CATALINA_OPTS=" -Xmx=16G -Xms=16G"

in JAVA_OPTS make sure you have the flag “-server” that gives 1/3 of memory for new objects, do not use “XX:NewSize=” unless you know what you are doing, Solr takes many new objects and it will need more than 1G in production.


Tuning the Solr side:
In for both workspace and archive Spaces Store


In solrconfig.xml for both workspace and archive Spaces Store 

mergeFactor change it to 25
ramBufferSizeMB change it to 64

April/9/2015 Update! For Solr4 (Alfresco 5.x) add next options to its JVM startup options:

-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC

Tuning the DB side:
Max allowed connections, adjust that value to the total amount of your Alfresco or Alfrescos plus 200, consider increase it in case you use that DB for other than only Alfresco.
  • For MySQL in my.cnf configuration file:

innodb_buffer_pool_size = 4GB

  • For Postgres in postgresql.conf configuration file

max_connections = 600

Do maintenance on your DB often. Run ANALYZE or VACCUM (MySQL or Postgres), a DB also needs love!
Tuning the OS side:
I’m not very good on Windows so I will cover only a few tips for Linux:
  • Change limits in /etc/security/limits.conf to the user who is running your app server, for example “tomcat”:

tomcat soft nofile 4096
tomcat hard nofile 65535

If you start Alfresco with a su -c option in /etc/init.d/, for Ubuntu you have to uncomment the line here /etc/pam.d/su, if this is using login (by ssh) it is uncommented by default. For RedHat/Centos this line has to be uncommented here /etc/pam.d/system-auth.

  • Your storage throughput should be greater than 200 MB/sec and this can be checked by:

# hdparm -t /dev/sda
Timing buffered disk reads: 390 MB in  3.00 seconds = 129.85 MB/sec

  • Allow more concurrent requests by editing /etc/sysctl.conf

net.core.somaxconn = 65535
net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 65535
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 2048 64512
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout = 10

Run “sysctl -p” in order to reload changes.
  • A server full reboot is a good preventive measure before going live, it should start all needed services in case of contingency and we will find if we left something back on the configuration.
Remember, this is ONLY A SHORTLIST, you can do much more depending on your use case. Reading the documentation and taking our official training will be helpful and take advantege that we were polishing our training materials lately.

Alfresco security check list

Alfresco security check list is a list of elements to check before going live with an Alfresco installation in a production environment. This check list is part of the Alfresco Security Best Practices Guide, but I wanted to give it a post in case you missed (thinks that happen due to the 30+ pages of the guide).

[slideshare id=43292696&doc=alfrescosecuritybestpractices-checklistonly-150107130033-conversion-gate02&type=d]


Understanding Alfresco Content Deletion

As part of the work I’m doing for the upcoming Alfresco Summit, where I will be talking about my favorite topic: “Security and Alfresco”, I have written a few lines about Alfresco node deletion, how it works and why is important to take it into account in terms of security control.
I just wanted to clarify how Alfresco works when a content item is deleted and also how content deletion works in Records Management (RM). Basic content deletion is already very well explained in this Ixxus blog post but there are some differences in the database schema between Alfresco 4.1 and 4.2 worth noting, such as the alf_node table has a field named ‘node_deleted in versions 4.0 and earlier.
To develop a deep knowledge about Alfresco security and also how to configure Alfresco backup and disaster recovery, you should first need to understand how the Alfresco repository manages the lifecycle of a content item.
Node creation:
When a node is created,regardless how it is uploaded or created in Alfresco (via the API, web UI, FTP, CIFS, etc.)Alfresco will do the following:

  1. Metadata properties are stored into the Database in the logical store workspace://SpacesStore (alf_node, alf_content_url among others).
  2. The file itself is store and renamed as .bin under alf_data/contentstore/YYYY/MM/DD/hh/mm/url-id-of-the-file.bin
  3. Next, depending on your indexing you chose, its index entries are created within Lucene (alf_data/lucene-indexes/workspace/SpacesStore) or Solr (alf_data/solr/workspace/SpacesStore).
  4. Finally, in most cases, a content thumbnail is created as a child of the file created.

Node deletion:
There are two phases to node deletion:
Phase 1- A user or admin deletes a content item (sending it to the trashcan):

  1. When someone deletes a content item, the content and its children (eg. thumbnails) are moved (archived) within  the DB from workspace://SpacesStore to archive://SpacesStore. Nothing else happens in the DB.
  2. The actual content “.bin” file remains in the same location inside the contentstore directory.
  3. Finally,the indexes are moved from the existing location to the corresponding archive alf_data/lucene-indexes/archive/SpacesStore) or Solr (alf_data/solr/archive/SpacesStore) depending on your index engine selection.

NOTE: A deleted node stays in the trashcan FOREVER, unless the user or admin either empties the trashcan or recovers the file. This default” behavior can be changed by using third party modules that empty the trashcan automatically on a custom schedule. See below for more information on these modules.
The trashcan may be found at these locations:
 Alfresco Share: User -> My Profile -> Trashcan (admin user will see all users deleted files, since 4.2 all users can also see and restore their own deleted files).
Alfresco Explorer: User Profile -> Manage Deleted Items (for all users).
Phase 2- Any user or admin (or trashcan cleaner) empties the trashcan:
That means the content is marked as an “orphan” and after a pre-determined amount of time elapses, the orphaned content item ris moved from the alf_data/contentstore directory to alf_data/contentstore.deleted directory.
Internally at DB level a timestamp (unix format) is added to alf_content_url.orphan_time field where an internal process called contentStoreCleanerJobDetail will check how many long the content has been orphaned.,f it is more than 14 days old, (system.content.orphanProtectDays option) .bin file is moved to contentstore.deleted. Finally, another process will purge all of its references in the database by running nodeServiceCleanupJobDetail and once the index knows the node has bean removed, the indexes will be purged as well.
NOTE: Alfresco will never delete content in alf_data/contentstore.deleted folder. It has to be deleted manually or by a scheduled job configured by the system administrator.
By default, the contentStoreCleanerJobDetail runs every day at 4AM by checking how the age of an orphan node and if it exceeds system.content.orphanProtectDays (14 days) it is moved to contentstore.deleted.
Additionally, the nodeServiceCleanupJobDetail runs every day at 9PM and purges information related to deleted nodes from the database.
Now, that we understand how Alfresco works by default, let’s learn how to modify Alfresco’s behavior in order to clean the trashcan automatically:
There are several third party modules to achieve this, but I recommend the Alfresco Trashcan Cleaner by Alfresco’s very own Rui Fernandes. Tt can be found at
Once the amp is installed, you can use this sample configuration  by copying it to

trashcan.cron=0 30 * * * ?


The options above configure the cleaner to run every hour at thethe half hour and it will remove content from the trashcan and mark them as orphan if a content has been in the trashcan for more than 7 days. It will do this in batches of 1000 deletions every time it runs. To delete from the trashcan without waiting any grace period set the trashcan.daysToKeep property value to -1.
Can I configure Alfresco to avoid using contentstore.deleted and ensure it really deletes a file after the trashcan is cleaned?
Yes, this is possible by setting system.content.eagerOrphanCleanup=true in and once the trashcan is emptied, the file will not be moved to contentstore.deleted but it will be deleted from the file system (contentstore). After that, nodeServiceCleanupJobDetail will purge any related information from the database. Using sys:temporary aspect it also perform same behavior.
So, what is the recommended configuration for a production server?
This is something you have to figure out based on your backup and disaster recovery strategy. See my  Alfresco Summit presentation and white paper here:
If you have a proper l backup strategy, you can offer your users a grace period of 30 days to recover their own deleted documents from the trashcan and after the grace period delete them simultaneously from the trashcan and the filesystem. This can be achieved by installing the previously mentioned trashcan-cleaner and with this configuration in

trashcan.cron=0 30 * * * ?


And what about Alfresco Records Management, does it work in the same way? How a record destruction works?
In the Records Management world you don’t tend to delete documents as often it is done in Document Management. When a content item is deleted from the RM file plan, it is considered to be a regular delete operation. This is rarely used and only done by RM admins when there is some justifiable reason such as correcting  a mistake that requires a record to be removed.
The only difference is that the deleted record by-passes the archive store, hence it never goes to the trashcan, it is marked as orphan once it is deleted. Then it will be moved to contentstore.deleted after orphanProtectDays or it is truly deleted if eagerOrphanCleanup is set as true.
Destruction of a record works in the same way that a record is removed, this will by-pass the archive and immediately trigger the clean-up (eagerOrphanCleanup) process so the content does not stay in the file system contentstore or contentstore.deleted.
As far as the meta-data goes, there are two options; the first is that all the meta-data (and hence the node itself) are completely deleted, the alternative method cleans out all the content but the node remains with only the meta-data (called ghosting). In Alfresco RM versions before 2.2 this was a global configuration value (rm.ghosting.enabled=true), in 2.2 it can be defined on the destroy step of the disposition schedule: “Maintain record metadata after destroy”.

Alfresco content deletion graph
Alfresco content deletion

Some final words on content deletion:
As we have seen, Alfresco offers different ways to delete content. It is important to remember, even if Alfresco completely deletes content such as when using the destroy option in RM or by using eagerOrphanCleanup, Alfresco will not wipe the removed content from the physical storage, it therefore can be recovered by file system recovery tools. Wiping a deleted content item may vary depending on multiple factors, since filesystem type to hardware configuration, etc. If you want to guarranty a real physical wipe of a file in your file system, a third party software must be used to “zero out” the corresponding disk sectors. The specific tools depend on the operating system type, hardware, etc.
Thanks to my colleagues at Alfresco Kevin Dorr, Roy Wetherall for the Records Management section and Luis Sala for the document syntax review.

Integration of IFTTT with Alfresco

If you are not aware about what IFTTT is, I recommend you to take a look in to this and then come back here to continue reading this blog post.

Here a brief demo about this integration, more details and configuration steps below.

Once you know what “if THIS then THAT” is, I want to explain how I have made a seamless integration with Alfresco using some very straightforward receipts and sending information to Alfresco in the THAT (action) part of its receipt.

Since there is not an Alfresco channel in IFTTT (yet), the data flow is from almost any channel to Alfresco using “Send an email from GMAIL” to Alfresco inbound email service (to a folder). I mean, this article is about how to send multiple kind of data from several IFTTT channels to Alfresco through the inbound email feature built in Alfresco.

In this screenshot you can see a self explained example:

Screen Shot 2014-06-09 at 11.50.25 AM

When I liked a picture in Instagram, it will be sent to Alfresco, once in Alfresco, we have a world of possibilities like transformations, workflows, publication, alerts, etc.

What do we need for having this working? Here you go a list of steps to get this ready to go:

1- Enable your Inbound Email service in Alfresco:
For Alfresco One 4.2 this is very easy by using the new Admin Console http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/enterprise/admin/admin-inboundemail. Explanation below.
For Alfresco Community refer to here and here

Screen Shot 2014-06-09 at 12.22.54 PM
As you can see in the screenshot above, I have made some changes to allow only emails from and from, any one inside Alfresco and member of the EVERYONE group can send emails to a folder with an email alias aspect. My server is running in Linux and with a non-root user this is the reason I set port 1025, I have a port redirect to listen on port 25 from the internet. Examples of port redirect here

In the example I have created a folder called “Drafts” with the aspect Aliasable (Email):

Screen Shot 2014-06-09 at 12.16.49 PM

Edit this folder properties and add a new value for Alias property, in my case drafts which will be the email address alias of this folder, like [email protected] (alias + @ + server FQDN). I don’t have to create a MX DNS record because I’m using the FQDN.

Screen Shot 2014-06-09 at 12.18.45 PM

Now, I’m ready to send an email from an existing Alfresco user  (and with permissions to create content) to Alfresco, in my case [email protected] is the user toni in Alfresco.

2- Create an IFTTT receipt like showed in the video above.

3- Enjoy thousands of ways to add contents to your Alfresco!

Where and how to change any Alfresco related port

Due to a conversation in Twitter with @binduwavell I haven’t found a single place where to find how to change any port related to all services that Alfresco runs. So, I have decided to write a blog post about it with some notes from Rich McKnight.

Here you go a comprehensive list of all ports and where to change them:


  • HTTP 8080: tomcat/conf/server.xml
  • HTTPS 8443: tomcat/conf/server.xml
  • Shutdown Port 8005:  tomcat/conf/server.xml
  • AJP 8009:  tomcat/conf/server.xml
  • JPDA 8000:


Alfresco context inside Alfresco configuration:

  • alfresco.port=8080

Share context inside Alfresco configuration:

  • share.port=8080

If repository ports are changed you change Alfresco Share connection ports in web-extenxion/share-config-custom.xml

Alfresco SharePoint Protocol:

  • vti.server.port=7070
  • vti.server.external.port=7070

OpenOffice – LibreOffice:

  • ooo.port=8100


  • jodconverter.portNumbers=8100

Can be mapped to non-privileged ports, then use firewall rules to forward requests from the standard ports

  • ftp.port=21

CIFS – SMB shared drive:
Can be mapped to non-privileged ports, then use firewall rules to forward requests from the standard ports

  • cifs.tcpipSMB.port=445
  • cifs.netBIOSSMB.sessionPort=139
  • cifs.netBIOSSMB.namePort=137
  • cifs.netBIOSSMB.datagramPort=138

Can be mapped to non-privileged ports, then use firewall rules to forward requests from the standard ports

  • imap.server.port=143

Inbound Email (SMTP):
Can be mapped to non-privileged ports, then use firewall rules to forward requests from the standard ports

  • email.server.port=25

NFS server:
Mount/NFS server ports, 0 will allocate next available port

  • nfs.mountServerPort=0
  • nfs.nfsServerPort=2049

RPC registration port, 0 will allocate next available port
Some portmapper/rpcbind services require a privileged port to be used

  • nfs.rpcRegisterPort=0

To disable NFS and mount server registering with a portmapper set

  • nfs.portMapperPort to -1
  • nfs.portMapperPort=111

Cluster in 4.2 with Hazelcast:

  • alfresco.hazelcast.port=5701

Cluster in 4.1 with JGroups:

  • alfresco.tcp.start_port=7800

From Solr to Alfresco workspace queries:  ./alf_data/solr/workspace-SpacesStore/conf/

  • alfresco.port=8080
  • alfresco.port.ssl=8443

From Solr to Alfresco archive queries:  ./alf_data/solr/archive-SpacesStore/conf/

  • alfresco.port=8080
  • alfresco.port.ssl=8443

From Alfresco to Solr queries:

  • solr.port=8080
  • solr.port.ssl=8443

RMI service, JMX ports:

  • avm.rmi.service.port=0
  • avmsync.rmi.service.port=0
  • attribute.rmi.service.port=0
  • authentication.rmi.service.port=0
  • repo.rmi.service.port=0
  • action.rmi.service.port=0
  • deployment.rmi.service.port=0

Monitoring RMI:

  • monitor.rmi.service.port=50508

Alfresco Tip: How to enable SSL in Alfresco SharePoint Protocol

There are two ways to approach getting the Alfresco SharePoint Protocol to run over SSL and avoid having to modify the Windows registry for allow non-ssl connections from MS Office (in both Windows and Mac).

One way is to use the out of the box SSL certificate that Alfresco uses for communications between itself and Solr (this blog post is about this option). The other is to generate a new certificate and configure Alfresco to use it, which is the option if you want to use a custom certificate. Next steps tested on Alfresco 4.2, it should work in 4.2 as well for both Enterprise and Community. Please, let me know through a comment if you have an objection on this.

  • 1. Rename file tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/vti-custom-context.xml.ssl to tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/vti-custom-context.xml, if it does not exist just create it like below:


<?xml version=’1.0′ encoding=’UTF-8′?>

<bean id="vtiServerConnector" class="">
<property name="port">
<property name="headerBufferSize">

<!– Use this Connector instead for SSL communications –>
<!– You will need to set the location of the KeyStore holding your –>
<!– server certificate, along with the KeyStore password –>
<!– You should also update the vti.server.protocol property to https –>
<bean id="vtiServerConnector" class="">
<property name="port">
<property name="headerBufferSize">
<property name="maxIdleTime">
<property name="keystore">
<property name="keyPassword">
<property name="password">
<property name="keystoreType">


  • 2. Now add the required attributes to




Remember to change localhost to your server full name (i.e.

  • 3. Restart the Alfresco application server and try the “Edit online” action on a MS Office document through Alfresco Share. A warning message will appear to accept the Alfresco self-signed certificate but is a common behavior.

MS Office for iPad and Alfresco: simple + smart integration

As you may already know, the Office app for iPad was released last friday. Since then I have been playing around with it, at the end of the day it is free for opening documents as read only. If you want to edit and save documents you need an Office 365 subscription. I purchased their Home subscription, $9.99/month after the free 30 days trial.

Once I opened the Office Word app  I noticed it has an option to add a SharePoint location and YES! I thought about Alfresco. What happen if I try to open a document stored in Alfresco through the SharePoint Protocol?  Well… the answer is simple (and smart), it works!!

Let me explain how it works through some screenshots. Here the screenshot asking for the SharePoint Site URL:


Now you have to add the full Alfresco URL of the document you want to open:


I did try with Alfresco Cloud because it has a valid SSL certificate. In this case you should use an URL like this:<cloud-network-domain>/<site-name>/<file-name>

Now it asks for your Alfresco credentials:


For Alfresco Cloud you have to use your user@domain and a valid password. For Alfresco on-premise your user and password.

Now it downloads the file stored in Alfresco to the iPad, in this case a file called Report.docx:


Once opened we can see their “show-me-the-money” Read-Only warning 😉 and the document opened:


If you tap on “Activate” you can choose between to activate or buy an Office 365 subscription:


After logging with a valid Office 365 credentials you can edit  documents:


And of course, while a file is opened it is locked in Alfresco:

Screen Shot 2014-03-29 at 9.42.30 PM

Ok, we know how to open and write documents stored in Alfresco, what about to create a document and save it to Alfresco? Easy, tap on new and choose a black document or a template:


After writing the new document, tap to the arrow icon in the top left hand side and the “Save As” option appears with the last location from where the last document was opened:


Chose a document file name and done! It saves the new document in Alfresco.

The app gives you quickly access option to open recent documents, just tap on “Recent” in the left hand side menu:


Versions are  supported in Alfresco and any change in those documents through the Office for iPad app are automatically versioned in the repository.

Another useful option is the ability to send a document link through email, the document itself can be sent as attachment as well:


Does it work with the Alfresco Mobile app? You can open a document in Office from the Alfresco Mobile app and save the document in your recent places including Alfresco, but unfortunately the “Save back” option is not in the Office app:


Does it work with Alfresco on-premise? I haven’t try yet, it should work with Alfresco on-premise but you will need a valid SSL certificate and having Alfresco SPP configured with SSL or you will get the error below. I used an URL like https://localhost:7070/alfresco/<site-name>/documentLibrary/<file-name> note the difference between the cloud and on-premise URL, in both cases the file extension must be added as file name.


I will keep you posted as soon as I can try with a valid SSL certificate.

Finally, you have seen how easy is to take advantage of the Alfresco and SharePoint compatibility 😉

Alfresco Tip: Unattended installation with one command

This tip is valid for Linux and Windows and should be for Enterprise and Community as well. I have tried with last Enterprise build on Ubuntu.

How to do an unattended installation of Alfresco with MySQL support with just one command, is as easy as running the command below (all in one line):


sudo ./alfresco-enterprise- –prefix /opt/alfresco \

–unattendedmodeui none –mode unattended –debuglevel 0 \

–enable-components javaalfresco,alfrescosharepoint,alfrescogoogledocs,libreofficecomponent \
–disable-components postgres \
–jdbc_url "jdbc:mysql://localhost/dbname?useUnicode=yes&characterEncoding=UTF-8" \
–jdbc_driver –jdbc_database dbname –jdbc_username dbuser \
–jdbc_password dbpassword –alfresco_ftp_port 2121 \
–alfresco_admin_password alfrescoadminpassword –baseunixservice_install_as_service 0 \
–alfrescocustomstack_services_startup demand


Change “dbname”, “dbuser”,”dbpassword”, “alfrescoadminpassword” with yours.

MySQL Note: In the example above I’m using MySQL, in this case you must have the DB already installed and when the command ends, copy the MySQL JDBC connector (mysql-connector-java-5.1.18-bin.jar) into the tomcat/lib directory.

Posgresql Note: If you want to install Posgresql it will be installed automatically using the installer but the command should be like this:


sudo ./alfresco-enterprise- –prefix /opt/alfresco \
–unattendedmodeui none –mode unattended –debuglevel 0 \
–enable-components javaalfresco,postgres,alfrescosharepoint,alfrescogoogledocs,libreofficecomponent \
–jdbc_url "jdbc:postgresql://localhost/dbname?useUnicode=yes&characterEncoding=UTF-8" \
–jdbc_driver org.postgresql.Driver –jdbc_database dbname –jdbc_username dbuser \
–jdbc_password dbpassword –alfresco_ftp_port 2121 \
–alfresco_admin_password alfrescoadminpassword –baseunixservice_install_as_service 0 \
–alfrescocustomstack_services_startup demand


In case of Postgresql none library has to be copied to tomcat/bin because is done by the installer.

Remember that it takes 1 or 2 minutes to finish the unattended installation, be patient.

More information and options? “–help” is your friend

./alfresco-enterprise- –help